Welcome to The Center for the Study of Economics. We’ll be adding news, a blog, video, and podcasts as we move forward.
Our mission is to research land value taxation, as an alternative to familiar property taxes (and other taxes harmful to people and commerce), to assist governments in implementation, and to study the effect of land value property taxation where used.
We suggest implementation where appropriate but do not support political candidates or become involved in the electoral process.
We are an educational research foundation. We provide alternatives to traditional means of taxation in favor of collecting the publicly created value of land and economic rent from land.
We use data-driven analysis for outreach and education for citizens and policymakers to help people and communities revitalize and thrive. We’ve helped cities implement our program, with positive results. Our guidepost to action is the work of Henry George, the noted social and economic reformer.
The Center gathers and disseminates articles, studies, and monographs on the subject of land-based taxation.
The Center believes that taxation of labor and capital in urban areas is one of the driving forces to the contraction and decay of our cities.
The Center believes that sprawl results, with the corresponding loss of open space, added commuting times, and wasted infrastructure.
Land Value Taxation (LVT) is a program of taxing immovable property (land). LVT can be a major tool for strengthening the development market in cities, reduce taxes for productive citizens and businesses and provide a progressive, fair, and equitable source of public revenue.
What is LVT?
From the big picture to real places and people this slide show introduces the problem, the solution, and the results.